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Vodbull @ Rosie’s
I Love Tom’s Mum @ Popworld
Snobs Wednesday
Bullionaire™️ @ ROSIES
Join the Team!!
It’s My Birthday
Bertrum The Bull
Brum Bible
Party Guide
Make a Booking
Booking Details
Vodbull @ Rosies
Snobs Wednesday
Bullionaire @ Rosies
Rehab Fridays @ Snobs
Loaded Saturdays @ Snobs
Other Special Event!
Event Date
DD slash MM slash YYYY
First Name
Last Name
Email. [IMPORTANT : without a correct email, we cannot process your booking. Please double check it]
Enter Email
Confirm Email
Mobile Number (for any changes to your booth on the night)
Reason for Booking
Society Outing (Official University Society)
Team Outing (Official University Team)
Other (Not at Vodbull Thursday events)
We only accept Birthdays, Societies and Team bookings at Vodbull on Thursdays
FULL name of Birthday Person (first and surname)
Please enter 'NA' if not applicable
Birthday Person's Actual Birthday Date
DD slash MM slash YYYY
N.B. We offer a window of one week before and one week after the event date, unless the birthday falls out of term or during exams.
Other Reason
Please enter 'NA' if not applicable
Number of Guests
Which uni(s) does your party attend?
We only accept local Unis at Vodbull Thursdays
What year do you graduate?
Preferred room for booth/booking (if available)
Rosies - DAO (Main room- Upstairs)
Rosies - Retro (Party room - Upstairs)
Rosies - Montana (RnB room - Downstairs)
Snobs - Any
Other Venue
N.B. booths are reserved on a first come first serve basis. Booths are not reserved until we receive a reply to our booking email. We do not take bookings for Zinc at Rosies.
Vodbull @ Rosies ONLY : When I get to the booth, IF available....
I would like the Energy crew and Bertrum to welcome me, Vodbull Style
I'd just like to be seated in my booth please (and if it's my bday, I'll still get my bubbly)
N/A - my booking is not for Vodbull @ Rosies
N.B. A welcome by Energy Crew involves filming for the Vodbull UK instagram story.
Any other Info?
Where did you hear about bookings?
Internet search
A friend
Printed Flyer
Other (please note)
Other (please note)
Please Note:
Everyone in the party must have a valid passport or driving license and student card. Any queries regarding this, please email Please ensure you have read our
Frequently Asked Questions
, particularly relating to our ID policy. We ensure that your information is handled within all current GDPR regulations.
Your Confirmation
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
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